Your strength training dumbbells workouts must follow a few simple guidelines if you want to get the best results possible in the least amount of time.
If you want to burn off pounds of body fat, sculpt lean, sexy muscle, and therefore transform your body as fast as possible, make sure you follow and apply these tips and try out the sample strength training dumbbells workout.
Do Not Use Bodybuilding Splits
Traditional bodybuilding splits are useless for helping you transform your body in the least amount of time possible. The best way to get more results in less time is to use total body workouts. By using total body workouts you will only have to workout three days per week, on non-consecutive days.
This way you can workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or a similar split.
The reason total body workouts are more effect than bodybuilding splits is because you will burn a lot more calories during the workout and your metabolism will be elevated for up to 36 hours after the workout is finished. Most bodybuilding workouts consist of isolation and machine exercises. Those don't burn many calories at all, let alone put your metabolism on full blast.
Furthermore, you can get a lot more accomplished working out three days a week as opposed to five or more that bodybuilding splits require. More results in less time - I can't think of anything better than that.
Use Compound Exercises
The absolute best way to get leaner, bigger, and/or stronger is to use big, compound exercises. These exercises allow you to use more weight than isolation exercises (compare a dumbbell chest press to a dumbbell fly). This allows you to burn more calories while you exercise, and compound exercises are more effective for jacking up your fat burning metabolism. Not only will those exercises help you to burn off pounds of body fat, but they are significantly more effective for helping you to build lean muscle and increase your strength levels.
Here is a very brief list of some of the best dumbbell and body weight exercises.
Note: the abbreviation "DB" means dumbbell
Legs-DB Squat (suitcase, front, overhead etc)
-DB Lunges (reverse, forward, walking, lateral, etc)
-DB Swings (1 arm, double, etc)
-DB Bulgarian Split Squats
-DB Chest Press (floor, incline, flat bench, etc)
-DB Overhead Press (1 arm, push press, etc)
-Push-ups (walking, spiderman, hindu, etc)
-Parallel Bar Dips
Back/Biceps-DB Row (overhand, underhand, renegade, etc)
-DB Pullover
-Pull-ups (chin-ups, neutral grip, with towels, etc)
-Inverted Rows
Total Body & Miscellaneous Exercises
-DB Snatch (split snatch)
-DB Clean & Press
-Bear Crawls
Workout With Circuits
Circuit training is not just highly effective for fat loss - it is allow very effective for gaining muscle and improving your strength.
To properly perform a circuit, you will simply perform one set for each exercise before repeating the first exercise again. You do the exercises back-to-back resting for the prescribed amount of time between exercises.
Circuits are the ultimate way to get more done in less time.
Sample Strength Training Dumbbells Workout Note - there is one exercise from each category above
-DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 10 each leg
-1 Arm DB Push Press x 8 each side
-Underhand DB Row x 8 each side
-DB Split Snatch x 5 each side
Perform each exercise back-to-back with minimal rest in between each. You have two options for performing this workout:
1) Perform a total of three to six circuits
2) Complete as many circuits as possible in a set period of time. Example: 15 - 30 minutes.
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